Learn the skills you need to start playing Pickleball fast. For new and returning players 18 years and older. Each clinic / drill is a combination of instruction, practice and play with an emphasis on the fun of Pickleball. Our drills are specific exercises to designed to improve specific Pickleball skills. These are important to help you commit the proper Pickleball specific mechanics to muscle memory. Clinic / drills will be based on the level of players in attendance, but the main goal is to improve skills and game play. Some techniques and skills that will be taught in clinics:
Adult Pickleball Sessions Pickleball Clinic Pricing:
Fun and energizing, these clinic / drills are guaranteed to give you a good workout and help you reach your next level of play. For registration please call the front desk at 330-239-1800, or you can email Beth Olivier at bolivier@paramounttennisclub.com. Pickleball Weekly Clinic & Drill Schedule - Fall / Winter 2024 / 2025
Learn to Play Pickleball Clinics- Learn to play clinics are designed for new players or beginner players, looking to learn the basics of Pickleball. This clinic is for adults and Juniors. For registration please contact Brian Shoman at bshoman@paramounttennisclub.com or call the front desk at 330-239-1800. Check back for new dates!
Open Play Pickleball- Open play is designed for beginner players. It is a way for learn to play attendees to meet new people and utilize what they have learned from our clinics and apply it to game play. For registration please email Beth at bolivier@paramounttennisclub.com or call the front desk at 330-239-1800 Cost is $13 for members and $21 for nonmembers.